Chanson turque chantée dans un café pendant le Ramadan. La transcription, faite par un anglais, suit la phonétique anglaise.


Ce texte est reproduit et traduit dans
A residence at Constantinople during a period including the commencement, progress and termination of the greek and turkish revolution by the Rev. R. Walsh, LL.D. Londres, Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis, 1836

Turkish Song sung at the Coffeehouse at the Palace‑gate during the Ramazan.

Murghi deel tcheshm shehbâzy
Nev shikar oldy.

Nakshi bendi mooy zulfun.
Muskkbar oldy.

Lebler zulal ghioturur melal.
Tchesni helal.

Dganum effendim.
Boo shey itchoon gherdanindan.

Arsohal ettim.
Ghiozlerimden yash yériné.

Kanakar iken beer zéman.
Nazlanoob yarem kibi olmaz.

Odâ shimdi revan.
Sooz hedgroondem bédem.

Itmekdeder baghrum kébab.
Hatceré ghelmez huny.

Adgeb roozy heesab.
Nay hesabi ba sévab.

Mahi tabi mustebab.


With the hawk of thy eyes
Thou hast caught the bird of my heart:
The nosegay bound in thy hair
Emits the perfume with which thy curls are bedewed.
The luscious balm of thy lips
Makes me long for sipping it,
Oh my sweetheart!
To obtain this favour I have addressed a petition to thy neck.
My eyes, instead of tears,
Did formerly strain blood
But my friend declining to surrender,
Those very tears have drained dry
Every breath of my flame in my delirium
Scorches my bowels.
O, cruel fair, do you never call to mind
The formidable doomsday ?
(Answer) What doom is for the righteous ?
Is it not better to meditate at the beautiful moonlight!










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