Né en 1811, mort en 1892.
Anglais, employé au Bureau des interprètes du Divan impérial ottoman, et secrétaire interprète de la Commission anglaise de médiation aux Conférences d'Erzouroum.
Auteur d'un important dictionnaire  publié en 1856 et réédité plusieurs fois, traducteur de Mevlana.
Membre de l'académie impériale des sciences de Constantinople.

On the History, System, and Varieties of Turkish Poetry, illustrated by selections in the Original and in English Paraphrase, with a notice of the Islamic Doctrine of the Immortality of a Woman's Soul in the Future State. By J. W. Redhouse, M.R.A.S., Hon. M.R.S.L. Read February 12th, 1879

The Mesnevī (usually Known as the Mesnevīyi Sherīf, Or Holy Mesnevī) of Mevlānā (our Lord...)
translated, and the poetry versified by James W. Redhouse
London, Trübner & Co, Ludgate Hill, 1881

The diary of H.M. the Shah of Persia, during his tour through Europe in A.D. 1873. By J.W. Redhouse. A verbatim translation London, John Murray, 1874

On the history, system, and varieties of Turkish poetry. Illustrated by selections in the original, and in English paraphrase, with a notice of the Islamic doctrine of the immortality of woman's soul in the future state
London, Trübner & Co, 1879

Observations on the so-called poem of Meysun, and on Meysun's claim to the authorship of the poem, with an appendix on Arabic transliteration and pronounciation

The Pearl-strings: A History of the Resúliyy Dynasty of Yemen
Leyden, E.J. Brill, London, Luzac & Co, 1907


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