Chanson turque chantée dans un café pendant le Ramadan. La transcription, faite par un anglais, suit la phonétique anglaise.
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A residence at Constantinople during a period including the commencement, progress and termination of the greek and turkish revolution by the Rev. R. Walsh, LL.D. Londres, Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis, 1836
Turkish Song sung at the Coffeehouse at the Palace‑gate during the Ramazan.
Murghi deel tcheshm shehbâzy Nakshi bendi mooy zulfun. Lebler zulal ghioturur melal. Dganum effendim. Arsohal ettim. Kanakar iken beer zéman. Odâ shimdi revan. Itmekdeder baghrum kébab. Adgeb roozy heesab. Mahi tabi mustebab.
With the hawk of thy eyes |